You are loved

because you are you

not because of what you do.


"Spend more time with people in the first list." Very curious for your thoughts on how one might navigate that in their work life! Same thing applies?

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Thank you so much for your questions, Sandra! As I wrote my answers, I thought, โ€œThese could be seeds for future articles!โ€ Thank you, Sandra! ๐Ÿ˜Š ๐Ÿ˜Š

In a past job, my cubicle neighbor complained every morning (coworker #1). I also felt drained every time I talked with another co-worker #2 (partly because she rarely smiled, and I often felt like she was judging me.)

My approach for co-worker #1 is after she stopped talking, I imagined that I was sending a white rainbow of compassionate energy from my cubicle to her cubicle. In my mind, I thought, โ€œIโ€™m sorry that your life is a lot harder than mine. Iโ€™m sorry that youโ€™re so bothered by the annoyances of your life that you need to spread those complaints to others as if youโ€™re vomiting the poison from your soul. I hope you learn to complain less and deal with your mishaps privately without voicing them out loud to other people.โ€

My approach for co-worker #2, I pretended she was Medusa. Before I walked over to her desk, I always activated an invisible bubble force field around my body. I imagined the bubble protecting my positive energy and bouncing off her negative vibes. As long as I was in her presence, I kept imagining my energy bubble pulsing with strength to protect me.

Best wishes and luck to you, Sandra! I look forward to hearing what you decide to do. Feel free to comment again with more questions or to elaborate on your situation. Iโ€™d be happy to share tactics that have worked for me. (Or if you want privacy, email/reply to my newsletter.)

๐Ÿ˜Š ๐Ÿ˜Š Jenny

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